St. Cyprian's, San Francisco

**Cyprian’s worships at Turk & Lyon on 3rd Sundays (unless noted below) - find our worship schedule info on the “worship” page.
1st Sunday’s @ St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church + 2nd Sunday’s at St. John the Evangelist


st. cyprian’s

creating a community where everyone matters

 we’re so glad


Since St. Cyprian’s arrival at Turk and Lyon, the community and neighborhood have experienced enormous change. With passion, commitment, and courage, the St. Cyprian’s community reached out by starting a job training program for youth in the late 1960s, theater productions in the 1980s, a needle exchange program in the 1990s, and in 2010 became a hub for neighborhood groups. Numerous clergy and lay leaders helped in these efforts.

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