hannah was born and raised on a small island in Alaska. She studied Pre Med & History (late antiquity and early church history) at Northwestern College, Iowa, and attended seminary at Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley.  While at CDSP, they spent 3 years learning, dancing, playing with the incredible folks at St. Cyprian’s.

They were ordained to the priesthood in May 2015 by the Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe in their ordaining Diocese of Iowa. After ordination, she moved to Beijing, China to study Mandarin and serve as the pastor at Congregation of the Good Shepherd, an ecumenical congregation of expats. In 2017, they returned to their San Francisco home to be chaplain & director of ministry at Ecumenical House at SFSU for 5 years. hannah is a companion with the Companions of Dorothy the Worker, spiritual companions in the queer community. In 2019, hannah was called to be priest-in-charge at St. Cyprian’s. As well as serving at Cyprian’s, hannah supports research labs at Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease.

They are interested in early church theology of sexuality + friendship, indigenous spirituality, racial + gender justice, and spirituality + trauma. hannah finds grounding in yoga, breathwork, flyfishing, watching the SF Giants + Golden State Warriors, and making art. She is married to her fab partner Steven. They have two pups + acolytes, Ziggy + Bandito.